Ishida CCW-RV Series
The RV range builds on the proven “best in class” performance of the previous generation of Ishida multihead weighers, using the latest technology.
Multihead weighing is well-known to speed up the packaging process, cut labor costs and reduce product giveaway. Choosing the latest models from the world’s best-resourced, leading brand of multihead weigher is the surest route to maximizing these benefits – and gaining a new level of competitive advantage.

Ishida CCW-RV Series
The RV range builds on the proven “best in class” performance of the previous generation of Ishida multihead weighers, using the latest technology.
Multihead weighing is well-known to speed up the packaging process, cut labor costs and reduce product giveaway. Choosing the latest models from the world’s best-resourced, leading brand of multihead weigher is the surest route to maximizing these benefits – and gaining a new level of competitive advantage.
Ishida DACS-GN Series
The DACS-GN Series utilizes unique and proprietary technology to deliver unbeatable check weighing accuracy and speed. Data management via computer and easy operating controls boost productivity and line efficiency.

Ishida DACS-GN Series
The DACS-GN Series utilizes unique and proprietary technology to deliver unbeatable check weighing accuracy and speed. Data management via computer and easy operating controls boost productivity and line efficiency.

iTPS (Integrated Total Packaging Solution) consists of two flagship Ishida machines in tandem: the Inspira bagmaker and the RV-Series multihead weigher. You can increase speeds, minimise giveaway and eliminate issues such as product trapped in seals.
iTPS Snacks Weighing Machinery
As part of your solution, you can choose your exact number of heads for your RV Series multihead weigher, as well as desired hopper sizes and surfaces to handle your snack’s properties.
iTPS Snacks Packing Machinery
With the Inspira Series High-Speed Bagmaker, you can access industry-leading speeds of up to 280 bags per minute depending on your snack application and configuration, without any compromise in accuracy.

iTPS (Integrated Total Packaging Solution) consists of two flagship Ishida machines in tandem: the Inspira bagmaker and the RV-Series multihead weigher. You can increase speeds, minimise giveaway and eliminate issues such as product trapped in seals.
iTPS Snacks Weighing Machinery
As part of your solution, you can choose your exact number of heads for your RV Series multihead weigher, as well as desired hopper sizes and surfaces to handle your snack’s properties.
iTPS Snacks Packing Machinery
With the Inspira Series High-Speed Bagmaker, you can access industry-leading speeds of up to 280 bags per minute depending on your snack application and configuration, without any compromise in accuracy.

We are glad to be able to provide you with excellent quality services and solutions for your packaging, processing, inspection, logistics, and warehousing needs from international brands.